Who We Are

The Arkansas Crisis Center is a nonprofit organization founded on hope.

Following a rash of teen suicides in 1985 at Rogers High School, a group of concerned volunteers realized the importance of providing hope through helpline services to teens in crisis in Northwest Arkansas.

The vast need for our helpline quickly became apparent, and we expanded to provide these services to all age groups across the entire state. Our mission of restoring hope, empowering people, and saving lives through suicide prevention continues to this day.

Our services are needed now more than ever!

In 2017, the CDC ranked Arkansas as 10th in the nation for deaths by suicide per population. In 2015, Arkansas had 577 reported deaths by suicide—this is more than double the rate of homicides in the state.

In Arkansas, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death, with an average of one person committing suicide every 15 hours. These growing statistics underscore the importance of our vision and the ongoing needs of our community.

By helping anyone and everyone in any type of crisis, we can combat Arkansas’s rising suicides rates.

By calling our helpline at 988 our crisis call specialists confidentially and anonymously offer intervention and counseling, link the caller with resources in their area, and ultimately, save lives by preventing crises from becoming life-threatening.

The Arkansas Crisis Center takes calls from all 75 counties in Arkansas. Anywhere you are in the state and any crisis you are experiencing, our toll-free helpline is available.

To receive help for you or someone you love, please call us at 988.

If you need to talk, we are here to listen!

Our Mission

The Arkansas Crisis Center is a nonprofit organization that was founded on hope. Following a rash of teen suicides in 1985 at Rogers High School, a group of concerned volunteers realized the importance of providing hope through helpline services to teens in crisis in Northwest Arkansas. The vast need for our helpline quickly became apparent, and we expanded to provide these services to all age groups across the entire state. Our mission of restoring hope, empowering people, and saving lives through suicide prevention continues to this day.

Our Vision

By helping anyone and everyone in any type of crisis, we can combat Arkansas’s rising suicides rates. By calling our helpline at 988 our crisis call specialists confidentially and anonymously offer intervention and counseling, link the caller with resources in their area, and ultimately, save lives by preventing crises from becoming life-threatening. At the Arkansas Crisis Center, we believe in providing help for today and hope for tomorrow. If you or someone you know needs to talk, we are here to listen!